I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag

An engaging story was shared with me by a colleague that penetrated my soul. He lost the father that he had not seen nor spoken to for thirty years since the age of ten. He was blessed with the opportunity to connect with his father just before the end. The father that didn't bother lay there in the hospital most certainly aware that this was his last glimpse at his extremely successful son who was emotionally unplugged from the man who gave him life. It was understandable that thirty years with no contact could create such a scenario.

Following his father's passing, days after his farewell visit, my friend attended the funeral. At the full military ceremony the oldest son was presented with the tri-folded American flag that had draped his father's coffin. The deceased was a veteran who had fought for his country and returned from war to a more monumental fight - the one in which the people he protected had no idea of how to protect him. It was at that moment as the rifleman's twenty-one gun salute was firing and the flag rested in his lap did my dear friend pledge allegiance. His allegiance is to making a difference, to making a positive impact, to freeing himself from casting judgment, and to choice, otherwise known as the still small voice of his maker.

Where is your allegiance? What flag rest in your lap that you are prepared to proudly fly at full mast? Identify it and use it as a reminder of these actions.


Now is never too late!

Be The Next You!

It's not unusual to hear someone say, "I'm want to be the next Beyonce, or the next Angelina Jolie." Whereas it's admirable to acknowledge the success these accomplished individuals have achieved and it's equally honorable to be influenced by their trek, one can never truly be the next anyone other than themselves which entails knowing who that is.

Aspire to be the next YOU! As I look at myself, I can reflect on the evolution of the many versions of me that have led to who I am today. And I'm tirelessly working on being more powerful and more dynamic as the next Helen Little! Although it's noteworthy to respect and regard the milestones of others as they are absolutely deserving of recognition, see it as just that. Take interest not in being the next great someone else but in the greatness of yourself!

Each of us is a unique creation. Your path is YOUR path and only YOU can truly be you in all your singular splendor! You may do some of the things that those who have paved the path ahead of you have done. Perhaps you may even do it better! But the next Oprah Winfrey and the next Michael Jordan can only be achieved my Oprah and Michael.

Focus on being you and being the greatest version of you. This is how we honor our Maker. We do, become, and give our utmost as a way to show appreciation and glory for the individual talents and gifts we are each blessed with. Certainly you are not to be reduced to an assembly line edition of someone else with the slight possibility of an upgrade making you the newer, improved version of them.

You have the specific requirement to be you. No one else can fulfill that purpose. And that purpose requires you to be your most outstanding YOU! So as you work toward growing and moving forward on your life journey, look to impress the Creator and the world by being the next YOU!

WAIT! A Beginner's Guide To Patience

I have not always been the most patient person in the world and until recently did not have a lot of experience on the topic. I’m one who always hated to wait for anything. A bus, an answer, a desire, a slowpoke, you name it I was not interested in waiting for it. And yes, I'd heard the saying that “good things come to those who wait." But I was doing quite nicely with good things coming in a hurry or on demand and definitely without a patient pause. So why should I wait? Now is what’s important right? At least according to many philosophies that I had delved into. It was all about the moment. And the moment didn't say "Wait" it said "Now"! So I was a total supporter of Now. But Now started to stall, stand still, no...grind to a screeching halt! Huh? What happened? Let’s get this thing moving again. Where are the jumper cables? I gotta get back on the road of life quick, fast and in a hurry.

Uh, that would be no.

I started to hit roadblock after roadblock, wall after wall, obstacle after obstacle. Only to be knocked down on my rear and have the faint whisper of that dreaded four letter word softly spoken in my ear, “Wait…” Talk about an unhappy sister. I was known for not waiting on anything or anybody. I was privileged. I didn’t have to wait. I was quick. I didn’t have to wait. I knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do so what did I need to wait for? Waiting was for the indecisive. Waiting was for the weak. I was a go-getter. There’s no waiting for go-getters. We go get! We don’t wait. For years this was my reality and my existence. From drive-thrus to EZ pass to fast food to ATM’s I was encouraged by convenience to wait even less. Microwaves, instant breakfast, modular homes, overnight success, fed ex, pop and fresh rolls, life in the fast lane!

Well, what happens if I wait and it never comes? Wait could bring disappointment and uncertainty. Then through the wait something better than what was expected comes along instead.

Hmmm, ok...I could get into that.

Wait is not about doing nothing. It’s about setting things in action and then allowing the results to come. It’s a mix of choice and consequence based on the options and actions we take. It’s about being open for life to take its course based on the paths we choose to follow. It’s about patience and perseverance. It’s about determination and dedication. It’s about a joint effort between man and God to uncover life’s treasures and desires. It’s about tolerance and resisting temptation. It’s about action and non-action. Every action has a course and a reaction. Anything worth having is worth working and waiting for.

So what do we do while we wait? We enjoy the present. We revel in the moment. We are grateful for every breath we inhale and exhale. We feed our creativity. We help someone in need. We pray and talk to God about our wait. We love ourselves. We love others. And then we wait some more.